Activation Media on Amazon Advertising


Gain the share impressions within your product category 

Use your key data to reach your target audience

Combine Amazon’s algorithms with our expertise

Audit & Strategy.

Firstly, we understand your goals and challenges. By closely collaborating with you, we define key issues and essential KPIs. We review your existing campaigns, if any, to assess their performance and identify improvement opportunities.

Benchmark & Positioning.

Competition on Amazon is fierce. We conduct comprehensive competitive monitoring to defend your brand against competitors. By analyzing market trends, we define unique strategic opportunities for your product category, ensuring your optimal positioning.

Action Plan.

Based on our analysis and your vision, we propose an optimal mix of advertising campaigns. Whether through Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Products, DSP… : we tailor a strategy for each product category, ensuring maximum visibility.

Scheduling & Launch.

Our specialized team meticulously schedules your campaigns. We carefully select relevant keywords, appropriate targeting, and integrate captivating visuals. Every detail is taken into account to ensure a flawless launch.

Monitorng & Management.

Launching a campaign is just the beginning. We constantly monitor your campaign performance. By analyzing keywords, bid relevance, and making precise adjustments to ads, we ensure each campaign is optimized in real time.

Optimization & Reporting.

Our iterative and targeted process ensures a constant improvement of your current campaigns and a strategic understanding of your upcoming activations. Detailed reports will allow us to track ROI and adjust campaigns accordingly

Ready to boost your Amazon Strategy ?

At Influzone, we blend mastery of Amazon’s powerful algorithms and tools with our expertise and critical insight for each of your campaigns. Prior to each activation, we conduct a thorough audit and ensure that your catalog is ready to receive traffic. We’ll only give you the green light if we deem it relevant for your brand!